A german metal construction business in Mallorca
...that since 2010, stands for professional competence, quality and commitment in the areas of metal and stainless steel.
Due to our longyeared experience, we know excactly when we need and can use which material for your projects in Mallorca. That distinguishes us!
Our creative and dynamic team will realize your visions with reliable precision.
From the idea to planning, to production and assembly, we offeryou complete solutions in perfect craftsmanship.

2000 - Schooling to a metalworker - Specialization construction technology in Nordenham - Niedersachsen
2004 - Successful master exam for metalworkers in Oldenburg - Niedersachsen
2005 - Successful examination as business economist (HWK) in Oldenburg - Niedersachsen
2010 - Foundation of Morisse Metal Balear, S.L. in Palma de Mallorca
2011 - Moving to the new studio (100m²) C/ Asival in the industrial area Can Valero (Palma de Mallorca)
2016 - Moving to the new studio (500m²) C/ Hadepema 14 in the industrial area Can Valero (Palma de Mallorca)
2017 - Extension of the vehicle fleet VW Crafter 30
2018 - Purchase of plate shear & sheet metal bender CNC for sheet metal working
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